Natixis Banks

Natixis Banks

On the "Natixis Bank (ZAO)", Moscow, (Moody `s Ba2)

Картинка 1 из 232"Natixis Bank (ZAO)" is a subsidiary of French bank Natixis, specializes in providing financial services to major corporate clients, as well as operations in the capital markets in the Russian Federation.

About the parent company - Natixis, France

Our sole shareholder - Natixis - a commercial and investment bank, part of Groupe BPCE - the 2nd largest banking group in France. The professionalism of more than 22,000 employees enables Natixis to develop high quality business in three main areas: commercial and investment banking services ("Natixis Bank (ZAO)" - part of this business line), an investment consulting (asset management, private banking, insurance), as well as specialized financial services.
Natixis is included in the Paris stock exchange and has a strong financial base with a total capital of the first level of 16.8 billion €, capital adequacy ratio of the first level - 11.4%, and solid long-term ratings (Standard & Poor's and Fitch Ratings: A +; Moody's : Aa3). (As of 12/31/2010) Click here to go to the site of Natixis, France.

Groupe BPCE, which owns approximately 72% Natixis, is 36 million customers, eight million shareholders, 125,000 employees, 8000 branches and Tier I capital of $ 38.8 billion €. Natixis enjoys full and unrestricted support of Groupe BPCE in accordance with Article L.511-31 of the monetary circulation in France, under which BPCE guarantee the liquidity and solvency of Natixis.

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